Ariel Winter Mama Drama: Chrystal Workman Threatens to Leak Nude Pics of Actress' Sister

Ariel Winter's family drama has reared its ugly head again. Her mother Chrystal Workman has been trying to sell naked photos of Winter's older sister Shanelle Gray.
This new and surprising chapter in the young star's family drama comes after Winter moved in with Gray following accusations that Workman was an abusive, unfit parent.
Ariel Winter Image
Publicist Jonathan Hay tells TMZ that Workman approached him about secretly releasing naked photos of her elder daughter Shanelle Gray to the public.
Fortunately Hay's conscience led him in the right direction and he refused to bite on Chrystal Workman's offer. Hay has supposedly already been contacted by Winter's legal team.
He said he has no problem filing a declaration of support on Ariel's behalf.
The family is due back in court on December 10 to discuss the custody of the 14-year-old Modern Family star, whose situation is becoming stranger by the week.