Axl Rose to Be Sued by Injured Fan

A fan of Guns N' Roses is planning on taking a legal action against the band's lead singer, Axl Rose. Darren Wright, the fan, claimed he was injured by a microphone Rose threw into the crowd during the band's gig on Saturday, March 9.

Wright said his front teeth were damaged after the incident at Perth Arena. He already started legal proceedings for damages to cover the cost of his dental treatment, which he said would cost $5000 and take months to complete.

"With the bright lights and explosions, I couldn't see anything," Wright recalled the incident. "The next thing I knew, I was whacked in the mouth. I thought I had been punched. I was quite stunned and it took a few seconds to realize what was going on. I could feel bits of teeth in my mouth. Then someone is climbing through my legs to grab the microphone."

"I don't think he intended to do it, but it came at me at a fairly flat and hard trajectory. Those cordless microphones are not light. I'm surprised it didn't do more damage. At the very least, I want someone to pay to get my teeth fixed," he added.

Tour promoter Andrew McManus had reportedly contacted Wright to apologize for the incident. He also offered to give him the microphone signed by Rose. However, Wright turned the offer down. "I don't think the microphone is going to fix my teeth," he said.