Oprah Winfrey Tops Forbes' 2013 List of Most Influential Celebrities

Forbes has released their list of 2013 Most Influential Celebrities, putting Oprah Winfrey on top of the list with 48% of influential rating. Oprah's percentage is down by 1% from last year, but she still tops this year's list. Her most notable attribute is "compassionate."

Steven Spielberg secures number 2 on the list. His most notable attribute is "interesting." The third spot is taken by "dynamic" movie director Martin Scorsese, while the fourth position is taken by Ron Howard whose most notable attribute is "down to earth." The "trend-setter" director George Lucas is in fifth position.

Dr. Mehmet Oz is ranked sixth, garnering 40% of influential rating. His most notable attribute is "good energy." Trailing behind Dr. Oz are Barbara Walters, Bono, Suze Orman and Clint Eastwood. Dr. Oz garners only 8% less than Oprah's influential rating.

"E-Poll Research's E-Score Celebrity" ranks more than 7,500 celebrities based on 46 attributes. Forbes explains by giving an example, "Oz's 40% influential score means that 40% of the population believes he is influential." E-Poll Chief Executive Gerry Philpott says that although the word "influential" is vague, it is believed that people choose "influential" celebrities based on their impact on the culture. In addition, influential does not mean that the people are well-liked.

It is also explained that if there are celebrities who obtain tie score, the tie will be broken by "E-Scores which measure a celebrity's 'marketing effectiveness.' " Celebrity's "marketing effectiveness" is processed by combining aspects such as awareness, appeal and other factors. This case happened to George Lucas and Ron Howard. They were tied, but then it was decided that Ron would have the fourth place.

Top 10 of Most Influential Celebrities in 2013:

  1. Oprah Winfrey - 48%
  2. Steven Spielberg - 47%
  3. Martin Scorsese - 42%
  4. Ron Howard - 41%
  5. George Lucas - 41%
  6. Dr. Mehmet Oz - 40%
  7. Barbara Walters - 37%
  8. Bono - 37%
  9. Suze Orman - 37%
  10. Clint Eastwood - 36%