Taylor Swift's Rep: Unopened Fan Letters Were Accidentally Put in Recycling Bin

Hundreds of unopened fan letters addressed to Taylor Swift were found in a recycling bin behind Granbery Elementary School over the weekend. A spokesperson for Swift, Paula Erickson, addressed this issue in a statement, saying that the letters were mistakenly mixed up with opened letters which were sent to recycling bin.

Erickson explained, "Taylor gets thousands of fan letters every day and they are delivered to her management office. After the letters are opened and read, they are recycled." Erickson said that the letters must have been put in recycle bin by mistake.

"The only explanation for any letters being unopened would be that a small batch of mail that was supposed to be delivered to Taylor was accidentally put with letters headed for the recycling center. We sincerely appreciate Channel 2 in Nashville bringing this to our attention. We immediately picked up the letters, and they are being dealt with appropriately," said Erickson.

Kylee Francescon, the one who found the letters, was disposing her own trashes when she saw hundreds of fan letters, many of them were unopened, in a dumpster at Granberry School, located off of Old Hickory Boulevard. "There were like hundreds of letters in there to Taylor Swift and I'm like, 'Oh my gosh!' I didn't know if they were stolen [or] discarded, so I threw them in a box. And I'm like, 'Somebody needs to let Taylor know,' " Francescon said.

Francescon added, "At first, I was going to contact her office, but realized that if I did that I could possibly contact the person who haphazardly discarded them...and Taylor would never know. I know how much she cares about her fans and I wanted her to be aware that her fan mail was not being handled properly." Shortly after, she contacted Nashville Channel 2 which investigated this incident. A reporter of the news station brought the letters to Swift's record label on Monday, March 11.