Amanda Bynes Gets Thrown Out of Ritz-Carlton Hotel in NYC

Distressed actress Amanda Bynes is showing no signs of slowing down on her road to becoming a total wreck. After calling everyone "ugly" and posting topless photos of herself on Twitter, she once again exposed her bizarre behavior at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in New York City on Thursday, July 18 doing something similar to the marijuana possession/bong-throwing incident she already pulled off a couple of months ago.

Bynes was reportedly thrown out of the luxury hotel after she allegedly smoked marijuana in her room, ignoring warnings and even trying to mask the smell with chemical sprays. Even upon check-in, Bynes was already her usual crappy self, allegedly telling the front desk clerk that she was "too ugly" to do the check-in for her, and even went off to insult the attendant by offering the services of her own cosmetic surgeon.

For making the staff member cry and for violating the rules of the establishment, Bynes was kicked out several hours earlier than her intended midday check-out on Thursday. Bynes maintains she left on her own and was not booted out.

Just last week, Bynes unloaded a series of tweets denying she was the young woman sporting a "crazy blonde wig and dark sunglasses" eating pea soup in a New York eatery and "mumbling to herself," claiming it was just a poser. She then lashed out at those people who were "putting up fake videos of random girls in wigs," adding "my lawyer will have every fake story about me removed from the internet."